Friday, August 22, 2008

First post

Everyone seems to have a blogspot now, so I'm jumping on the bandwagon like it's a trampoline! Not entirely sure how this is going to go, so let's try this out! This blog is going to be about my quest to become a television writer.

So the last spec script I finished was for 30 Rock. It was great. I loved it. Now I'm going into my next spec, one for Monk. And of course my expectations are for it to be as good or better than the 30 Rock one. So far's not. I mean I like it okay, but it's still really raw. There's the rational part of my brain saying "it's okay! You'll revise and then it'll be just as good!" I spent a lot of time revising the 30 Rock spec, so of course the Monk one isn't going to be as good right out of the door. But then there's the irrational part saying "waaaa! No good no good!"

And then I just procrastinate and watch Bravo reruns.

That's the problem with writing something really good. When I write something mediocre, or even bad, I can learn from my mistakes and improve. But when I write something awesome and can't find any serious problems in it, I don't really know where to go from there.

But I'm hopeful! And Project Runway isn't as good this season as it was last season, so Bravo is less distracting than it could be.

So I hope people keep reading this! Enjoy!

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